ARTECoaching - Healing Drawing

Drawing has a soothing effect on the mind and a healing effect on the soul and body. It is an attitude work which involves supporting people to better use their inner resources, and to increase their motivation to act. Coaching is designed to help create the right conditions for the desired change to occur and support in making the best decision.

Drawing is a window to the soul that allows us to discover and express our deepest feelings, thoughts and experiences, transforming them into art that has the power to heal and change.

- Joanna Guść

Expressing emotions through art

ArtTherapy enables participants to transform their emotions and thoughts into unique, meaningful artistic works. It allows them to express personal experiences and feelings in ways that may not be possible through standard forms of communication.

Understanding yourself and your surroundings

By participating in artecoaching, participants gain skills that help them explore their emotions, thoughts and life experiences more deeply. As a result, they develop the ability to better communicate with those around them and gain a greater understanding of their inner self.


Therapy through painting is particularly beneficial for people struggling with emotional challenges, mental disorders or difficulties expressing feelings verbally. It assists participants in coping with stress, improving interpersonal relationships.

Inspirational Artecoaching

For me, art is like vegetables in a dinner: essential and must look nice, but most importantly, they must be edible, provide health and not just be admired for their qualities. My sessions are healing: they awaken the spirit, calm thoughts and trigger self-healing.

In sessions I integrate the extremes and polarities in life through drawing, painting, sculpture and meditation. Without any pressure, truths or beliefs, we learn to listen only to the inner voice that connects art and life.

The basis is an artistic action. It is a holistic creative action that works with the language of drawing. Holistic means seeing the whole, seeing a person as consisting of interconnected and interacting parts. ARTECoaching is based on Jungian psychology, Assagioli's psychosynthesis, Steiner's art therapy and Greg Furth's work. I source inspiration from Systemic Coaching or Hellinger's constellations work.

In my artwork, my inspiration comes from Wassily Kandinsky and Joan Miró.

joanna guść stop gronówka

Joanna Guść

Wassily Kandinsky

Kandinsky taught soul painting as early as the 19th century, believing that through creativity and imagination we find our identity and reservoir of healing. The more we understand the connection between creative expression and healing, the more powerfully we will discover the healing power of art within ourselves.
Following Kandinsky, I treat self-knowledge (self-knowledge and self-learning) as the basis of new life and new art of living. Every artistic activity allows us to transcend dualistic thinking and teaches self-realization amidst the chaos of our times. We need to make a "first-hand" account instead of repeating old patterns or living according to other people's concepts.

Joan Miró

Miró was a Spanish painter, sculptor and printmaker who was one of the most important representatives of Surrealist art. His works often reflect his subjective, incomprehensible and abstract images, which are considered to be a reflection of his subconscious. It can be said that Miró used his art as a way to analyze his subconscious, which is similar to the idea of artecoaching.

Creative Ways to Heal.


It is a combination of art therapy and coaching.

Art therapy is a field of therapy in which the process of creating art is used as a tool to work on oneself. The goal is to express one's emotions and experiences through art, which can lead to improved emotional and physical health.

Coaching is a process in which a coach supports a client in achieving his or her goals and solving problems. The purpose of coaching is to enable the client to learn about himself, his position in the world and to understand what his strengths and weaknesses are.

In ARTECHOACHING, art is an instrument for developing self-awareness, establishing and achieving goals. It is not about drawing or painting beautifully, but about deepening perception, the quality of observation. The goal is to make the student a "master of his own life" and create his own images of perception of reality. In order to do this, inner strength must be developed.

Individual sessions

Artecoaching offers participants a personalized approach to working on emotions, thoughts and experiences. Sessions allow for self-expression through various art forms, customizing the method to meet individual needs and goals.

Group sessions

Drawing or painting in a group promotes mutual support among participants, sharing experiences and strengthening communication. Creating art together helps build a sense of community and bonding, which contributes to better coping with the emotional and mental difficulties of working in a team.

Online courses

ArteAcademy allows participants to gain the knowledge and skills necessary to practice this method in the comfort of their own home. Courses include, hands-on exercises and support from a therapist and offered Skype Zoom and Google Meet.


Artecoaching workshops improve the mental and emotional health of participants. They provide a moment of relaxation and a break from daily duties and activities. They combine the pleasant with the useful: creating and getting to know themselves and other group members.

Individual sessions

Artecoaching offers participants a personalized approach to working on emotions, thoughts and experiences. Sessions allow for self-expression through various art forms, customizing the method to meet individual needs and goals.

Group sessions

Drawing or painting in a group promotes mutual support among participants, sharing experiences and strengthening communication. Creating art together helps build a sense of community and bonding, which contributes to better coping with the emotional and mental difficulties of working in a team.

Online courses

ArteAkademia pozwala uczestnikom zdobyć wiedzę i umiejętności niezbędne do praktykowania tej metody w zaciszu własnego domu. Kursy obejmują, ćwiczenia praktyczne i wsparcie ze strony terapeuty i oferowane Skype Zoom i Google Meet.


Artecoaching workshops improve the mental and emotional health of participants. They provide a moment of relaxation and a break from daily duties and activities. They combine the pleasant with the useful: creating and getting to know themselves and other group members.

Get to know yourself and discover your power

Don't wait any longer to start developing new perspectives on life, work and the other person. Use the power of art to express feelings, manage stress and explore your inner world. Begin your journey toward deeper self-knowledge, personal growth and emotional balance and let me be your guide. Book your first session today!


Inspirational articles, tips and stories

I invite you to the world of artecoaching, where I share my knowledge, experience and passion about this inspiring approach to health. At my ARTEblog section you will find articles on various art-related topics, such as practical advice, scientific trivia, client stories, and events and news from Atelieeeer Przystanek Gronówka.


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